Banjar Agung – The School Environment Initiation (MPLS) for the 2022/2023 Academic Year took place lively at the school Tribune of SMAN 1 Banjar Agung. This activity is an annual agenda that is held after the New Student Admission (PPDB). This academic year, MPLS participants totaled 290 new students, dominated by 150 men, while 140 women.
This activity was opened directly by the Principal of SMAN 1 Banjar Agung, Firmansyah, on July 18, 2002. In his remarks, Firmansyah hoped that this activity would run smoothly and students could have a religious and independent character, in accordance with the theme carried in the activity which lasted until 21 July 2022.
The materials given during the MPLS were filled out by various competent parties, such as the Tulang Bawang 1 Health Center, the Sat BinMas Head of the Tulang Bawang Police, the Indonesian Army, and several board of teachers of SMAN 1 Banjar Agung. In addition, so that the atmosphere is more lively and the participants won’t feel bored, they are invited to play games, get acquainted with their companions and tutors, as well as with the teacher council of SMAN 1 Banjar Agung. (Zara Paradita)