The Excitement of the 7th Workshop and Harvest of Learning of the 5th Batch Teachers Pioneer Candidate Program

SeLisan, Tulang Bawang – After finishing the Program Pendidikan Guru Penggerak (Program of Teachers Pioneers)  batch  five for sixt months,  two of teachers pioneers of SMAN 1 Banjar Agung, Indah Taufanny, S.Pd., Gr. and  Dewi Rahmayati, S.Pd., Gr. soon officially be teachers pioneer after  this  7th Workshop and  Harvest Learning Event.

The event was officially opened by The Head of Tulang Bawang Education Service Office, Ristu Irham, S.Pd., MM. This program lasted for two days, Tuesday – Wednesday, 20 – 21 December 2022. The workshop was on the first day, and the climax was on Wednesday, where all candidate of teachers pioneer showed off their learning results and concrete actions at school.

Along the events, CGP was accompanied by Practical Teachers. The Headmaster of SMAN 1 Banjar Agung, Firmansyah, SE should be proud  for having two great CGP and two PP Megawati, S.Sos., M.Pd. dan Novi Haryanti, S.Pd., M.Pd.

The activity, which was held at SDN 1 Warga Makmur Jaya, was even more lively and memorable with the performance of the “Profil Pelajar Pancasila” dance from the CGP of PP Suparti, S.Pd. then continued with the experiences of three CGP representatives in the teachers’ sharing agenda. They are Naya Budi Utomo of SDN Kahuripan Jaya, Yossi Anggun Ferlianda of SMPN 1 Gedung Aji Baru, and Indah Taufanny of SMAN 1 Banjar Agung.

After the opening ceremony, the activity continued with the cutting of the ribbon and the inauguration of the CGP exhibition booth by the Head of Tuba Education Office. Accompanying the Head of Education and Education were the BGP Representative for Lampung Province Kamil, S.Pd., M.M., Representative for the Head of Regional Service Office Branch VII Dedi Sunandar, S.Pd.I., MIP., and Kabid. GTK Yohana Sri Wahyuni, S.Pd., M.Pd., school principals, school supervisors and invitees who attended.

When visiting the stand of group B PP Hera Susana, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ristu Irham apreciated the  product of Literacy Community as a program of CGP by buying the books entitled “Serpihan Rindu” dan and  “Jejak Langkah sang Pendidik dan Persembahan untuk Guru”.

The Two CGP, Indah and Dewi, advised all teachers who have not participated in the teacher Pioneer program to register for batches 9 and 10, because this program is  very good and has a positive impact on students, namely creating a pancasila student profile. This is very much in line with what was conveyed by the Head of Education, Ristu Irham in his remarks, that the teachers pioneer will give a different color and have more competence than other teachers, as well as become the motor for the movement of activities in their respective schools. He also added that PGP provides a wide opportunity to become a principal, school observers, which he can occupy without going through the Training of Schools principals and observers. (Tim SeLisan)