  • 3 tahun yang lalu / Sertijab Kepala SMAN 1 Banjar Agung dari Bapak Hi. DANIAL ANWAR, S.Pd, MM. kepada Bapak FIRMANSYAH, S.E.
  • 3 tahun yang lalu / Acara penyerahan hadiah Juara 1 Lomba Perpustakaan Tingkat Provinsi Lampung  
  • 3 tahun yang lalu / Megahnya Masjid Al- Halim SMAN 1 Banjar Agung Satu Satunya DiLampung –
Des 2022

The Excitement of the 7th Workshop and Harvest of Learning of the 5th Batch Teachers Pioneer Candidate Program

SeLisan, Tulang Bawang – After finishing the Program Pendidikan Guru Penggerak (Program of Teachers Pioneers)  batch  five for sixt months,  two of teachers pioneers of SMAN 1 Banjar Agung, Indah Taufanny, S.Pd., Gr. and  Dewi Rahmayati, S.Pd., Gr. soon officially be teachers pioneer after  this  7th Workshop and  Harvest Learning Event. The event was officially opened by The Head of...
Jul 2022

School Environtment Initiation (MPLS) SMAN 1 Banjar Agung

Banjar Agung – The School Environment Initiation (MPLS) for the 2022/2023 Academic Year took place lively at the school Tribune of SMAN 1 Banjar Agung. This activity is an annual agenda that is held after the New Student Admission (PPDB). This academic year, MPLS participants totaled 290 new students, dominated by 150 men, while 140 women. This activity was opened...